Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist Download Free

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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist


Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist box art
Developer(s)Ubisoft Toronto
EngineLEAD engine (modified Unreal Engine 2.5)
Havok physics
Platform(s)Microsoft Xbox 360
Microsoft Windows
Sony PlayStation 3
Nintendo Wii U
Release dateAugust 20, 2013
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist is the sixth installment in the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell series of video games developed and published by Ubisoft Toronto.

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Following the Third Echelon Conspiracy, former agent Sam Fisherjoins his friend Victor Coste at his PMC, Paladin 9. Coste is wounded in an attack by The Engineers, a group of 12 terrorists who initiate a terror ultimatum called the Blacklist - a deadly countdown of escalating terrorist attacks on United States interests. Reason being, these 12 have had enough of the United States global military presence in two-thirds of the countries around the world.


A prequel in the form of a comic book, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Echoes, has been announced.

The Blacklist

ItsxFAdded by ItsxF

Splinter Cell: Blacklist takes place nearly three years afterSplinter Cell: Conviction. Sam Fisher is the commander of a new special operations & counter-terrorism unit called Fourth Echelon, and directly reports to the President of the United States. The primary mission of Fourth Echelon, as assigned by the President, is to shutdown all current operations being conducted by Third Echelon and their agents. While conducting this primary mission, Sam and his team must hunt the members of The Engineers and their Blacklist agenda by any means necessary, and stop the countdown before it reaches zero. Splinter Cell: Blacklist sees the return of Anna 'Grim' Grímsdóttir, Victor Coste, Andriy Kobin and Kestrel as well as the addition of new characters such as Isaac Briggs and Charlie Cole.

American Power: Anderson Airforce Base, Guam (Day 0)

The first Blacklist attack was against the U.S. Air Force Base on the island of Guam. Sam Fisher's helicopter crashes, and wounded in the leg, he must follow Victor Coste to disable a radar jammer.

Benghazi, Libya

For the second mission, Sam Fisher is sent in Libya to liberate Andriy Kobin, retained in the city of Benghazi. He has information about the attack on Guam. Fisher frees and interrogate him.

Mirawa, Iraq

The next mission is Mirawa in Iraq. Sam follows the weapons command made ​​by Kobin and attacks the Engineer's base.

American Consumption: Chicago, Illinois (Day 7)

The second Blacklist attack is set to Chicago, IL. The Engineers are trying to poison the city's water supply.

American Freedom (Day 14)

The third Blacklist attack. The target is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Engineers have held hostages on a metro train and also plan to bomb outside the subway terminals into the city streets, where Sam and Briggs coopearate and take out the Engineer driver with their snipers.

American Fuel: Sabine Pass, Louisiana (Day 21)

The fourth Blacklist attack was against a Liquid Natural Gas Facility in Sabine Pass, Louisiana. The Engineers introduced a virus into its fire suppression defenses, then rammed a tanker truck into the facility. Fourth Echelon deployed Fisher into the facility to activate a terminal so Cole could reactivate the defenses. Fisher then chased after the on-site Engineer.

American Blood (Day 28)

The fifth Blacklist attack. The target is a bunker in Denver, Colorado.

American Dust (Day 35)

The sixth Blacklist attack. The target is not yet known.

Gameplay Mechanics


Splinter Cell: Blacklist gameplay mechanics build off of those introduced in Conviction. Hence, Mark & Execute, the projection of information in the environment, interrogation/torture sequences (which has been completely removed due to negative response.) and parkour. Furthermore, the games point system introduced in Conviction also seems to have returned in some iteration. With that said, the games shadow gray scale environment feature to notify you if you are in the shadows or not is gone, instead Sam's goggles and the light on his back will glow when he is in the dark.
Killing in Motion lets Sam strike with lethal precision by marking and executing multiple enemies in one fluid motion. Active Sprint allows him to traverse the environment easily and fluidly, climb walls and leap over barriers in order to reach his next target while on the move. Furthermore, Sam and his team are aware of terrorist attacks in real time thanks to the Strategic Mission Interface (SMI). The SMI allows the team to receive data about mission objectives while on the move. Players can earn money for completing missions and objectives and buy upgraded weapons and items from the SMI hub aboard the Paladin.

Official E3 Gameplay Demo
BcarboniteAdded by Bcarbonit
Infiltrate terrorist cells by using new gadgets such as the upgraded snake cam and micro tri-rotor drone which allows Sam to scout ahead, mark targets remotely, distract enemies, or explode with frag grenade force. Fan favorites also make a return such as the sticky shocker, and for close quarters combat, players can wield the curved and brutal Karambit knife.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist is stated to have a Campaign, Coop Campaign, and the return of Spies vs. Mercs. Community Developer Zach Cooper confirmed on twitter that the Co-op missions are side stories which tie into the main narrative, and that they are given by various characters and accessed through the SMI.
But also the stealth parts of the game seem to have made a comeback. Sam will now again be able to walk in the shadows. According to the developers, the game will have 3 main playstyles: assault, panther and ghost.
While the assault-style is practically the most aggressive style including open combat abilities, airstrikes and other aggressive mechanics, the ghost is the opposite, hiding in the shadows, never killing anyone and just fulfilling the objective. The panther now, is the "middle" way so to say: While staying hidden, the player is still killing targets or clearing out rooms.
To support not only the assault style, being represented by the game Splinter Cell Conviction, but also the old game mechanics of the previous games the player has the option of various gadgets and suits to support his individual playstyle. Also, the game mechanic "closer than ever" will have a comeback in Splinter Cell Blacklist. This mechanic, resurrected from the 3rd game of the series Chaos Theory, allows the player a variable game speed to come closer to enemies without being detected
Splinter Cell: Blacklist will have a variety of game difficulties, including a purist mode called "perfectionist" in which the player will not be able to see through walls with his sonar goggles and the "Execute" (of the "Mark & Execute") will not be possible.
Blacklist also has new so called "RPG"-Elements included in the gameplay. Between missions, the player will be aboard the "Paladin", an upgraded version of the "Osprey", which will serve as HQ for all Fourth Echelon operations.
On the Paladin you will be able to talk to your team members, customize your equipment (loadout) and start your Co-Op / Deniable Ops and Spies vs. Mercs missions.

Wii U versionEdit

Players using the Wii U version will use the secondary screen on the controller as their OPSAT.[2]


Side MissionsEdit

The side missions can be played individually or with a teammate, unless its the Briggs narrative missions which must be played with a partner. Co-Op Missions can be played via Split Screen, Online: Find Teammate, and Online: Friends Only.
The side missions are divided between four different characters, each mission representing its own unique playstyle. Talking to these particular characters on the Paladin unlocks these missions that Sam and Briggs can go on.
Grim Missions:
To be added later.
Charlie Missions:
To be added later.
Briggs Missions:
These are the coop campaign missions. These missions must be played with two players. Sam and Briggs work together to stop a rogue division of the agency Voron, from Splinter Cell Conviction. Briggs missions focus on the ghost, panther, and assault playstyles. Some sections are more ghost-like, where the player must not be detected or use only non-lethal force, while other sections have swarms of enemies on your position, but it is up to you how to you want to eliminate them. You can do it without being detected, by striking from the shadows, or going full blown assault. There are also some forced action moments, particularly at the end of the missions. 
Kobin Missions:
Kobin's missions are reminiscent of Splinter Cell Conviction's Deniable Ops mode. These missions can be played Solo or with a teammate. Simply put, players must eliminate all enemies within the area using any means necessary, and reinforcements will arrive if detected. However, unlike Deniable Ops, where each map is divided into 5 or more large zones, Kobin's missions consists of only two zones.
The plot of Kobin's Missions are mainly concerned with Kobin's business associates and their locations.

Spies vs. MercsEdit

The fan favorite mode Spies vs Mercs returns in Blacklist. The Classic version is two-vs-two, and the Spies must hack a terminal which the Mercs are protecting. Spies are played in a third-person perspective, while Mercs have the first-person view; the latter have flashlights.[3]
Most of the modes players can participate it cannot be played unless unlocked at certain ranks.

Blacklist modeEdit

Blacklist mode is a form of Spies vs. Mercs, with two teams of four and and the ability to customize classes. The customization and gameplay is similar to that of the campaign story. On the spy side, there is the Intel and Predator classes, and for the Mercs the classes are Peacemaker and Disruptor.[4]

Mission locationsEdit

1. Solo Campaign
  • Blacklist Zero - Andersen Airforce Base, Guam
  • Safehouse - Benghazi, Libya
  • Insurgent Stronghold - Mirawa, Iraq
  • American Consumption - Chicago, Illinois
  • Private Estate - Cuidad Del Este, Paraguay
  • Abandoned Mill - London, England 
  • Special Missions HQ - Tehran, Iran
  • Transit Yards - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
  • Detention Facility - Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 
  • Airstrip - Yucatan Province, Mexico 
  • American Fuel - Gulf Of Mexico 
  • LNG Terminal - Sabine Pass, Loisiana 
  • Site F - Denver, Colorado 
2. 4E(4th Echelon) Mission

  Grim (Co-Op/Solo)Edit

  • Hawkins Seafort - English Channel
  • Border Crossing - Sharoysky District, Chechnya
  • Hacker's Den - Pihtla, Estonia
  • Billionaire's Yacht - Lupton Island, Australlia (Pre-Order Only Deluxe Edition)

  Briggs (Co-Op)Edit

  • Smuggler's Compound - Kargil District, Kashmir 
  • Missile Plant - Bangalore, India
  • Voron Station - Chittagong, Bangladesh
  • Abandoned City - Koltsovo Naukograd, Russia

  Charlie (Co-Op/Solo)Edit

  • Pakistani Embassy - Sana'a, Yemen
  • Swiss Embassy - Amman, Jordan
  • Egyptian Embassy - Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Russian Embassy - Kigali, Rwanda

  Kobin (Co-Op/Solo)Edit

  • Opium Farm - Faryab Province, Afghanistan
  • Fish Market - Istanbul, Turkey
  • Blood Diamond Mine - Mibonde, Equatorial Guinea
  • Dead Coast- Kanghastan / Aral Sea (Pre-Order Only)

3. Spies vs. Mercs (Multiplayer)Edit

  • Silo -  New Jersey, USA
  • Particle Accelerator - Silicon Valley, USA
  • Cartel - Cartagena De Indias, Colombia
  • Uranium Mine - Arandis, Namibia
  • Lebanese Hospital - Beirut, Lebanon
  • Virus Vault - Heard Island, Antarctica


Recon & Distraction
  • Sticky Noisemaker
  • Sticky Camera - Sticks to surface to give you a remote view - It can also attract and knock out guards with sleeping gas.
  • Sticky EMP - Generates a miniature electromagnetic pulse, temporarily disabling nearby lights and electronics.
  • Tri-Rotor - A remote-controlled flying recon drone, capable of incapacitating hostiles with sticky shocker darts, marking targets, and using sonar vision.
  • Spider-Bot Game  (Smartphone App, not a Gadget) - Used when playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist Spider-Bot

Gas GrenadeEdit

  • Smoke Grenade - Releases a thick cloud of smoke, blinding to the naked eye but not sonar goggles.
  • Tear Gas - Releases a chemical mist to incapacitate enemies.
  • Sleeping Gas - Releases a cloud of fumes that quickly put enemies to sleep.

Explosive GrenadeEdit

  • Flashbang - Explodes with a concussive blast and blinding flare, temporarily stunning enemies.
  • Frag Grenade - Explosive grenade that fragments into deadly shrapnel.
  • Incendiary Grenade - Explosive grenade that engulfs an area in flames for several seconds.

Mines & ChargesEdit

  • Proximity Shocker - Sticks to surfaces and fires electric darts when enemies get close, non-lethally subduing them.
  • Proximity Mine
  • Breaching Charge - Capable of breaching doors and killing enemies on the other side and is also loud. Remote detonated.

Ops SuitEdit



4E Pistols

Black MarketEdit

Alternative WeaponEdit

Sub-Machine Guns

Assault RiflesEdit

Sniper RiflesEdit


Black MarketEdit

Special WeaponEdit

  • Stun Gun
  • Crossbow - Uses Sleeping Gas, EMP Chaff, Noisemaker, Sticky Shocker Bolts.
  • Tactical Crossbow (Pre-Order Only) - Sleeping Gas Bolts Only.


Technical issuesEdit

Upon release of the game, several users with slightly outdated graphics cards faced an issue with game crashing upon running the Directx 11 version of the game. Different solutions were posted on various game forums that worked for some until Ubisoft finally released a patch on the same day to fix this and other small bugs with the game.[5] There were also several issues in different levels of the game making the game unplayable, however, the new patch fixed several of these crashes encountered.[6]


  • Splinter Cell: Blacklist was announced at E3 2012 with a release date of spring 2013.[7]
  • The gameplay trailer was released on September 25, 2012.[8]
  • In the days leading up to the announcement of the return of Spies vs Mercs, the developers posted a promotional picture and slowly revealed its content: A spy facing a mercenary.[9]
  • Zach Cooper, the Community Developer, has been releasing CommDev videos showcasing elements of the game.
  • An additional trailer was released at E3 2013 during the Ubisoft Media Presentation.[11]
  • On July 18, the "Transformation" trailer was released, showing off some of Fisher's abilities and a little bit of the storyline.[12]
  • On August 13, the website went live, allowing players an interactive look into the multiplayer mode and a chance to unlock in-game content.[13]
  • The launch trailer was released on August 14,[14] and was closely associated with television ads promoting the choices players face in terms of their gameplay styles.


  • Paladin Multi-Mission Aircraft Edition
    • Splinter Cell: Blacklist game (PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U)
    • Remote Control Paladin Model
    • 96-page Splinter Cell: Echoes graphic novel
    • Billionare's Yacht Co-Op/Solo Map
    • Upper Echelon Pack
  • The 5th Freedom Edition (Note: Only available in Europe. All Pre-Orders packs listed below are compiled into The 5th Freedom Edition. The Elite Adrenaline Suit from is also included.)
    • Splinter Cell: Blacklist game (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)
    • 24 cm Sam Fisher Figurine
    • 96-page Splinter Cell: Echoes graphic novel
    • Steelbook
    • Dead Coast and Billionare's Yacht Co-Op/Solo Map
    • 5 Customization Items (Gold and Amber Lights, MBS Boots, Tactical Gloves, unknown boots to be added later)
    • 5 Suits (Saboteur, Elite Adrenaline, Elite Digital Ghillie, Upper Echelon, 4E Eclipse)
    • 5 Weapons (F40, 416, VSS, Tactical Crossbow, M1014)
    • Collector's Box


  • Upper Echelon (Ubisoft & Retail) - Gold Sonar Lights, Upper Echelon Suit and the Dead Coast Co-Op/Solo Map.
  • Pre-Ordering from certain retail stores and websites in addition to the Upper Echelon Pack will also come with different packs for each one:
    • Covert Hunter (GameStop, EB Games) - Tactical Crossbow, 4E Eclipse & VSS
    • Protect and Defend (Walmart) - M1014, MBS Boots
    • Run and Gun (Best Buy) - Vector .45 ACP & Tactical Gloves
    • Suppress and Assault (Amazon) - F40 & 416
    • Jack of All Trades (Republic of India only) - Elite Digital Ghillie Suit & 416




  • This will be the first 
    Splinter Cell Blacklist cover
    Splinter Cell
     game without Michael Ironsideas the voice of Sam Fisher. Instead, his voice (and motion capture) will be done by Eric Johnson.
  • This is the first game in which Sam Fisher is played in coop mode. All past coop modes in Splinter Cell were played by two other splinter cell agents, such as (Archer and Kestrel or Agent One and Agent Two ).
  • Guard dogs have returned.
  • Blacklist has more content than any other past game making it the biggest Splinter Cell game to date.

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